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Sunday, September 27, 2015

some benefits of learning c++, even if no salary increase

1) After learning c++, i am fairly confident I could if I must pick up
c# in a few (4?) months and start passing interviews. C++ is
inherently tougher than java and C#. Java and C# both have large
libraries, but the core languages are significantly simpler/cleaner
than c++.

2) After learning C++, i have found python and perl easier to
understand and master since both are written in C/C++. I now believe
some people who claim they could pick up a new language in a few
months. Those languages have their roots in C/C++.

- The basic challenges of scope+namespace, object lifetime,
heap/stack, pointers, memory allocation, object construction,
pass-by-ref/value, arrays, function pointer, exceptions, nested
struct+array+pointer... are faced by every language designer. Many of
these challenges depend on basic library, which is invariably C.

- The common OO challenges of inheritance, virtual, static/non-static,
HAS-A/IS-A, constructor, downcast, ... are faced by every OO language
designer. Many of them borrow from java, which borrows from C++ and

3) c++ gave me insight into java, esp. GC, JVM, overriding,
references, heap/stack, sizeof, ...