[1] find some reason to critically weaken
* Mtv: To broaden my base, I have invested in php, py, javascript, swing, FIX, tibco, Sybase... many of them got me jobs but none has the power (#1), complexity (#1), value-add, entry barrier as c++ has.
* Mtv: doldrums -- if u sit still for 12 months, then no growth in java skill, but another guy will pick up c++, Some will acquire zbs and a real competitiveeedge. b_u_t c# is more popular than c++.
* mtv: initial orgradient is fastest -- my java (not c#) growth has slowed down. My C++ is still at the fast-learning phase
* Mtv: get in the door -- I will soon become expert* mtv: SG -- Relative to US, SG java talent is even more of a commidity. c++ talent is more rare and more highly valued than in US, b_u_t the positions seem to be limited.
* Mtv: entry barrier -- c++ is higher than java? b_u_t some jobs require just basic C programming
* Mtv: commodity vs differentiation -- the java skill on wall street is a commodity. You are no different from the next java guy. (B_u_t most outsiders simply don't know how to come in.) What differentiations? c#, swing, threading...
* Mtv: xp wasted -- i have many years of professional experience in c/c++. Why not build it up to a critical mass and get a real edge?
* Mtv: cross-pollination -- threading, data structure (among other core topics) benefit from cross-pollination.
* mtv: deepens my mastery of java/c#, more than what I could without c++. Some high-end java interviews require/appreciate it.
* mtv: critical link -- between the lineage of java and c#. There's hidden insight in evolutionary history. Some interviewers drill into rationale and tradeoff, among other academic questions.* Mtv: latency insight -- latency sensitive eq often benefit from memory knowledge of c++. If you work on such a java system, c++ insight is an advantage.
* Mtv: performance trend -- as more asset classes follow Eq, as competition heats up, low-latency will become more important. c++ is for "demanding" systems -- Scott Meyers. I would think the white-hot fields are still dominated by c++. b_u_t java is encroaching
* Mtv: lead -- need to extend the lead over non-trading developers.
* Mtv: A+B years -- many guys have A years java + B years c++ ? b_u_t they may not earn more.
* Mtv: strongest developers -- often know c++ in-depth. b_u_t look at Piroz, Yang, Avichal Gupta, Sundip Jangi...
* Mtv: older developers -- c++ is better for older guys? b_u_t many older guys are learning java, probably due to shrinking demand
* mtv: cost-amortization -- In terms of investment, i already invested so many years on threading, containers, regex, OO, design patterns... Learning c++ or c# lets me amortize this huge cost. In 1 year i can reach a 3-year proficiency level. About 20% of my core java insight can double as my c++ insight.
* Mtv: outside financial -- a lot of infrastructure and core components are in c/c++, where java isn't fast enough. Many of the most important software's are in c/c++. Consider google, facebook... http://www.lextrait.com/vincent/implementations.html
* Mtv: foundation expanded -- like DBA, c#... I prefer to expand my foundation not by learning spring, gemfire, ION … b_u_t these latter category perhaps enjoy more demand
* Mtv: low-level -- than java/c#. Look at the standard books. Low-level is my comfort zone.
* Mtv: churn and volatile -- less rapid than java and c#. Best books were 90’s. b_u_t that's a sign of investment by major vendors.
* Mtv: crowded -- java is crowded talent pool? b_u_t there are also more jobs